<% option explicit %> <% '获取展示一个作品的HTML代码 Function GetOneWork(strWorkType, intWorkID, strCustomerName, strTradeName) dim strTemplateHtml dim strOneWork dim blnIsGraphicWork dim intWorkWidth, intWorkHeight dim strPicPath, strDetailUrl if ("graphic_" = left(strWorkType, 8)) then blnIsGraphicWork = True else blnIsGraphicWork = False end if if (blnIsGraphicWork) then intWorkWidth = 166 intWorkHeight = 138 else intWorkWidth = 166 intWorkHeight = 109 end if strPicPath = "../../" & GetWorksFolder(strWorkType) & intWorkID & "_s.jpg" strDetailUrl = strWorkType & "_detail_" & intWorkID & ".shtml" strTemplateHtml = "" strTemplateHtml = strTemplateHtml & "" strTemplateHtml = strTemplateHtml & "" strTemplateHtml = strTemplateHtml & "" strTemplateHtml = strTemplateHtml & "" strTemplateHtml = strTemplateHtml & "
" strOneWork = strTemplateHtml strOneWork = Replace(strOneWork, "$CustomerName", strCustomerName) strOneWork = Replace(strOneWork, "$TradeName", strTradeName) strOneWork = Replace(strOneWork, "$PicPath", strPicPath) strOneWork = Replace(strOneWork, "$DetailUrl", strDetailUrl) GetOneWork = strOneWork End Function %> <% '获取作品列表的HTML代码 Function GetWorkList(strWorkType, intPageSize, intCurrentPage) dim strWorkList dim rsWork dim strSql dim intWorkID, strCustomerName, strTradeName dim intRows, intColumns dim iRow, iColumn strWorkList = "" strSql = "select work.ID AS WorkID, customer.Name AS CustomerName, trade.Name AS TradeName FROM [work],[customer],[trade] WHERE work.CustomerID = customer.ID and work.TradeID = trade.ID AND Type='" & strWorkType & "' ORDER BY Work.SortOrder DESC" set rsWork=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsWork.open strSql,conn,1,1 set intWorkID = rsWork("WorkID") set strCustomerName = rsWork("CustomerName") set strTradeName = rsWork("TradeName") if not rsWork.Eof then rsWork.PageSize = intPageSize rsWork.AbsolutePage = intCurrentPage intColumns = 3 intRows = int(intPageSize / intColumns) strWorkList = strWorkList & "" for iRow = 1 to intRows strWorkList = strWorkList & "" for iColumn = 1 to intColumns if (not rsWork.Eof) then strWorkList = strWorkList & "" rsWork.MoveNext end if if (rsWork.Eof) then exit for end if next strWorkList = strWorkList & "" if (rsWork.Eof) then exit for end if next strWorkList = strWorkList & "
" & GetOneWork(strWorkType, intWorkID, strCustomerName, strTradeName) & "
" end if GetWorkList = strWorkList End Function %> <% '获取页面标题 Function GetPageTitle(strWorkType) dim strWorkTypeName dim strPageTitle strWorkTypeName = GetWorkTypeName(strWorkType) Select Case True Case ("web" = strWorkType) Or ("media" = strWorkType) strPageTitle = "网页设计·网站建设·北京网页设计·北京网站建设" Case ("graphic_" = left(strWorkType, 8)) Or ("vi" = strWorkType) Or ("ui" = strWorkType) strPageTitle = "平面设计·平面设计公司·北京平面设计公司·宣传册设计" End Select strPageTitle = strPageTitle & " | 朗晨设计 - " & strWorkTypeName GetPageTitle = strPageTitle End Function %> <% '获取作品类型标题图片 Function GetWorkTypePicSrc(strWorkType) dim strWorkTypePicSrc Select Case True Case "web" = strWorkType strWorkTypePicSrc = "images/list_web_design.jpg" Case "graphic_" = left(strWorkType, 8) strWorkTypePicSrc = "images/list_graphic_design.jpg" Case "media" = strWorkType strWorkTypePicSrc = "images/list_media_design.jpg" Case "vi" = strWorkType strWorkTypePicSrc = "images/list_vi_design.jpg" Case "ui" = strWorkType strWorkTypePicSrc = "images/list_ui_design.jpg" End Select GetWorkTypePicSrc = strWorkTypePicSrc End Function %> <% '获取作品类型标题图片 06-10-10 Function GetPicTitle(strWorkType) dim strPicTitle Select Case True Case "web" = strWorkType strPicTitle = "images/list_web_banner.jpg" Case "graphic_" = left(strWorkType, 8) strPicTitle = "images/list_graphic_banner.jpg" Case "media" = strWorkType strPicTitle = "images/list_media_banner.jpg" Case "vi" = strWorkType strPicTitle = "images/list_vi_banner.jpg" Case "ui" = strWorkType strPicTitle = "images/list_ui_banner.jpg" End Select GetPicTitle = strPicTitle End Function %> <% '获取作品类型说明 Function GetWorkTypeDescription(strWorkType) dim strWorkTypeDescription Select Case True Case "web" = strWorkType strWorkTypeDescription = "    通过互联网具有的“一对一”特性,可以牢牢抓住目标对象;通过提供个性化、互动化、有针对性的24小时网上服务,能够提高产品的增值能力。
    专业的设计准度,领先的技术保证,多年的项目经验,强大的合作伙伴......朗晨设计随时为您提供完整的互联网服务。" Case "graphic_" = left(strWorkType, 8) strWorkTypeDescription = "    作为消费者最亲近的媒体,平面宣传以独有的视觉、触觉感受,通过质感和体量感,阐述着企业的定位、规模、产品、服务特色,清晰而深刻。
    朗晨设计希望成为客户的外脑,将客户既成想法深化,帮助客户挖掘新思路,将数据、文字、意念,转化为准确、可读性高的平面构成。" Case "media" = strWorkType strWorkTypeDescription = "    绘画、动画、特效、音效……,如何集众多的功能于一身?
    朗晨设计提供艺术与技术完美结合的flash动画服务,为您创建动态感官冲击的作品,实现形象展示、流程讲解、节日问候等诸多功能。 " Case "vi" = strWorkType strWorkTypeDescription = "    随着商业信息传递与科技文化交流速度加快,一切传播行为都极其讲求效率。
    朗晨设计经过构想、模拟、测试以及反复周密的创意评估,为您提供一个视觉控制系统,创建企业整体的视觉气质。 " Case "ui" = strWorkType strWorkTypeDescription = "    产品吸引人吗?令人兴奋吗?能够给顾客带来自豪感吗?
    朗晨设计将功能、结构、色彩等要素合理结合,提供量身定做的软件界面设计方案。 " End Select GetWorkTypeDescription = strWorkTypeDescription End Function %> <% '获取平面设计子类别的链接 Function GetGraphicSubTypeHyperLink(strSubTypeName, strWorkType, strCurrentWorkType) dim strGraphicSubTypeHyperLink if (strWorkType = strCurrentWorkType) then strGraphicSubTypeHyperLink = "" & strSubTypeName & "" else strGraphicSubTypeHyperLink = "" & strSubTypeName & "" end if GetGraphicSubTypeHyperLink = strGraphicSubTypeHyperLink End Function %> <% '获取页号导航HTML代码 Function GetPageNavigation(strWorkType, intPageCount, intCurrentPage) dim strPageNavigation dim i strPageNavigation = "|" for i = 1 to intPageCount if (i = intCurrentPage) then strPageNavigation = strPageNavigation & " " & i & " |" else 'strPageNavigation = strPageNavigation & " " & i & " |" strPageNavigation = strPageNavigation & " " & i & " |" end if next GetPageNavigation = strPageNavigation End Function %> <% dim strWorkType, intCurrentPage dim strPageTitle dim strWorkTypePicSrc dim strWorkTypeDescription dim strPicTitle dim strCurrentWorkType dim blnGraphicSubTypeVisible dim strBrochureHyperLink, strAdPosterHyperLink, strPackExhibitHyperLink dim blnWebSubTypeVisible dim blnPageNavigationIsVisible, strPageNavigation dim strWorksList dim rsWork dim intRecordCount, intPageSize, intPageCount '读取参数 strWorkType = Request("strWorkType") intCurrentPage = int(Request("intCurrentPage")) '页面标题 strPageTitle = GetPageTitle(strWorkType) '作品类别的标题图片和说明,title strWorkTypePicSrc = GetWorkTypePicSrc(strWorkType) strWorkTypeDescription = GetWorkTypeDescription(strWorkType) strPicTitle = GetPicTitle(strWorkType) '如果是平面作品,则显示平面子类别 if ("graphic_" = left(strWorkType, 8)) then blnGraphicSubTypeVisible = True strCurrentWorkType = strWorkType strBrochureHyperLink = GetGraphicSubTypeHyperLink("宣传册", "graphic_brochure", strCurrentWorkType) strAdPosterHyperLink = GetGraphicSubTypeHyperLink("广告/招贴", "graphic_ad_poster", strCurrentWorkType) strPackExhibitHyperLink = GetGraphicSubTypeHyperLink("包装/展会", "graphic_pack_exhibit", strCurrentWorkType) else blnGraphicSubTypeVisible = False end if if ("web" = strWorkType) then blnWebSubTypeVisible = True else blnWebSubTypeVisible = False end if '计算总页数 intRecordCount = GetRecordCount("work", "Type='" & strWorkType & "'") intPageSize = 99 if (intRecordCount Mod intPageSize > 0) then intPageCount = int(intRecordCount / intPageSize) + 1 else intPageCount = intRecordCount / intPageSize end if '页号导航 if (intPageCount > 1) then blnPageNavigationIsVisible = True strPageNavigation = GetPageNavigation(strWorkType, intPageCount, intCurrentPage) else blnPageNavigationIsVisible = False end if '作品列表 strWorksList = GetWorkList(strWorkType, intPageSize, intCurrentPage) %> <%= strPageTitle %>
<%= strWorkTypeDescription %>
<% if (blnGraphicSubTypeVisible) then %>
<%= strBrochureHyperLink %>
<%= strAdPosterHyperLink %>
<%= strPackExhibitHyperLink %>
<% end if %> <% if (blnWebSubTypeVisible) then %>
<% end if %>
<% if (blnPageNavigationIsVisible) then %> <% end if %> <% if (blnPageNavigationIsVisible) then %> <% end if %>
更多设计图  <%= strPageNavigation %> 
<%= strWorksList %>
更多设计图  <%= strPageNavigation %>