<% option explicit %> <% Function GetOnePic(strPicPath) dim strTemplateHtml dim strOnePic dim intPicWidth intPicWidth = 576 strTemplateHtml = "
" strTemplateHtml = strTemplateHtml & "
" strOnePic = strTemplateHtml strOnePic = Replace(strOnePic, "$PicPath", strPicPath) strOnePic = Replace(strOnePic, "$intPicWidth", cstr(intPicWidth)) GetOnePic = strOnePic End Function %> <% Function GetOneFlash(strFlashPath, intWidth, intHeight) dim strTemplateHtml dim strOneFlash dim intReviseWidth, intReviseHeight dim sngReviseRate intReviseWidth = 576 sngReviseRate = intReviseWidth / intWidth intReviseHeight = int(intHeight * sngReviseRate) strTemplateHtml = "
" strTemplateHtml = strTemplateHtml & "
" strTemplateHtml = strTemplateHtml & "" strTemplateHtml = strTemplateHtml & "
" strOneFlash = strTemplateHtml strOneFlash = Replace(strOneFlash, "$FlashPath", strFlashPath) strOneFlash = Replace(strOneFlash, "$ReviseWidth", intReviseWidth) strOneFlash = Replace(strOneFlash, "$ReviseHeight", intReviseHeight) GetOneFlash = strOneFlash End Function %> <% Function GetWorksList(strWorkType, intWorkID, intWidth, intHeight) dim strWorksList dim strWorksFolder dim intMaxWorksItems dim i dim objFsoWork dim strWorkNumber dim blnIsMediaWork dim strWorkPath strWorksFolder= "../../" & GetWorksFolder(strWorkType) intMaxWorksItems = 99 set objFsoWork=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") for i = 1 to intMaxWorksItems strWorkNumber = AddZero(i,2) if (strWorkType = "media") then blnIsMediaWork = True else blnIsMediaWork = False end if if (blnIsMediaWork) then strWorkPath = strWorksFolder & intWorkID & "_" & strWorkNumber & ".swf" if objFsoWork.FileExists(Server.MapPath(strWorkPath)) then strWorksList = strWorksList & GetOneFlash(strWorkPath, intWidth, intHeight) end if else strWorkPath = strWorksFolder & intWorkID & "_" & strWorkNumber & ".jpg" if objFsoWork.FileExists(Server.MapPath(strWorkPath)) then strWorksList = strWorksList & GetOnePic(strWorkPath) end if end if next GetWorksList = strWorksList End Function %> <% Function GetOtherWorks(intCustomerID, intCurrentWorkID) dim rsWork dim strSql dim strOtherWorks dim intWorkID, strWorkName dim i strSql = "select * from [work] where customerID=" & intCustomerID & " and ID<>" + intCurrentWorkID set rsWork=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsWork.open strSql,conn,1,1 if (rsWork.bof and rsWork.eof) then strOtherWorks = "" else set intWorkID = rsWork("ID") set strWorkName = rsWork("EnName") strOtherWorks = "|" for i = 1 to rsWork.RecordCount strOtherWorks = strOtherWorks & " " & strWorkName & " " & "|" rsWork.MoveNext next end if GetOtherWorks = strOtherWorks End Function %> <% dim intWorkID dim rsWork dim strWorkType, strWorkName, intCustomerID, intTradeID, strFinishYear, strFinishMonth dim intWidth, intHeight dim strAppraise dim rsCustomer dim strCustomerName, strCustomerIntro dim strWorkTypeName dim strPageTitle dim blnOtherWorksIsVisible, strOtherWorks dim blnWebsiteHyperlinkIsVisible, strWebsiteUrl dim blnIsMediaWork dim strWorkList dim blnAppraiseIsVisible intWorkID = Request("intWorkID") set rsWork=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsWork.open "select * from [work] where ID=" & intWorkID,conn,1,1 strWorkType = rsWork("Type") strWorkName = rsWork("EnName") intCustomerID = rsWork("CustomerID") intTradeID = rsWork("TradeID") strFinishYear = rsWork("FinishYear") strFinishMonth = rsWork("FinishMonth") intWidth = rsWork("Width") intHeight = rsWork("Height") strAppraise = rsWork("EnAppraise") set rsCustomer=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsCustomer.open "select enname,enintro from [customer] where ID=" & intCustomerID,conn,1,1 strCustomerName = rsCustomer("EnName") strCustomerIntro = rsCustomer("EnIntro") strWorkTypeName = GetWorkTypeEnName(strWorkType) strPageTitle = "Beijing Lunge Culture and Art Design, Ltd. - " & strWorkTypeName & " - " & strCustomerName & " " & strWorkName strOtherWorks = GetOtherWorks(intCustomerID, intWorkID) if (strOtherWorks = "") then blnOtherWorksIsVisible = False else blnOtherWorksIsVisible = True end if strWebsiteUrl = "" if (strWorkType = "web" and strWebsiteUrl <> "") then blnWebsiteHyperlinkIsVisible = True else blnWebsiteHyperlinkIsVisible = False end if strWorkList = GetWorksList(strWorkType, intWorkID, intWidth, intHeight) if (strAppraise <> "") then blnAppraiseIsVisible = True else blnAppraiseIsVisible = False end if %> <%= strPageTitle %>
<% if (blnOtherWorksIsVisible) then %> <% end if %>
Company:<%= strCustomerName %>-<%= strWorkName %>
Other services: <%= strOtherWorks %>
<%= strCustomerIntro %> <% if (blnWebsiteHyperlinkIsVisible) then %> Web site:<%= strWebsiteUrl %> <% end if %>
<%= strWorkList %> <% if (blnAppraiseIsVisible) then %>
<%= strAppraise %>
<% end if %>